Wednesday, October 6, 2021

VMS Deposits – Yielding a Rich Mixture of Mineable Metals

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Restarts in Historic BC Gold Mining

Barry Kevin O ‘Rourke is a veteran executive who oversees S.A.B. Mining operations in Guyana and manages resource gold and diamond extraction across jungle tracts. With an in-depth knowledge of gold mining techniques, Barry Kevin O ‘Rourke follows recent trends in his industry. One noteworthy discovery in 2021 centers on the historic Gold Bridge mining region in southern British Columbia.

In 1934, a trio of contiguous mines, Bralorne, King, and Pioneer, was developed. Over the next four decades, they produced 4.2 million gold ounces, with an average 17.7 g/t recovered grade. An Orogenic-type system comparable to California’s Motherload District, the Bralorne-Pioneer gold mine complex finally stopped production in 1971. It remains the province’s largest historic gold producer to this day.

The discovery by Endurance Gold Corp. is situated on the Reliance Property, 10 kilometers north of the original complex. While bulldozer prospecting and diamond drilling were pursued between 1985 and 2008, this exploration drilling was sporadic and unsuccessful. Despite strong alteration, outcrop exposures from historic prospecting were not sampled. The current exploration program began in late 2020 and has already yielded drill discoveries, with assays indicating extensive gold mineralization and potential for productive future mining.

Ocelot - An Adaptive Spotted Cat Species in Guyana

 Barry Kevin O'Rourke is a Guyana-based entrepreneur who directs S.A.B. Mining and manages diamond and precious metals exploration in la...