Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ocelot - An Adaptive Spotted Cat Species in Guyana

 Barry Kevin O'Rourke is a Guyana-based entrepreneur who directs S.A.B. Mining and manages diamond and precious metals exploration in large jungle tracts. One of Barry Kevin O'Rourke’s passions is exploring the rich and varied natural landscape of a South American country that has abundant wildlife.

One of the rarely spotted predators of the rainforest is the ocelot, a medium-sized cat with distinctive spots like a jaguar, though it is far smaller and less muscular. Giving preference to regions of thick vegetation, the cat inhabits various kinds of terrain that includes coastal mangrove forests, grasslands, and dense upland terrain. Relying on cover for survival, the cat tends to sleep during the day amid bushes, in tree hollows, or on tree limbs.

Coming out at night, the ocelot seeks out rodents, rabbits, and iguanas, and may climb trees to stalk species such as birds and primates. Unlike many cats, the ocelot is a nocturnal swimmer that hunts frogs and fish and is not shy of the water. The diminutive ocelot is itself a target for larger cats such as the jaguar and puma, as well as the harpy eagle and the anaconda.

Ocelots are adaptive to human settlement and may remain in an area after land has been cleared. One major issue is that the ocelot’s distinctive dappled coat makes it sought after by poachers, and conservation efforts have been critical in bringing the cat species back from the brink of extinction.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Research Effort Is Germane to Efficient Gold Extraction from E-Waste

 As a leader in the mining industry, Barry Kevin O'Rourke has a proven track record extracting precious minerals in Guyana. As managing director of S.A.B. Mining, Barry Kevin O'Rourke has maintained the success of the company and made a significant impact in the worldwide gold and mining industry.

Not all gold mining is done in the ground. Electronic waste (e-waste), discarded electronic devices, can be recycled to extract and purify metals for further industrial application. According to an article in the journal Nature, gold is the most valuable component in such waste.

Over the years, various gold-extraction techniques for e-waste recycling have been developed. Some of these techniques build on the special properties of artificial materials called gold absorbents. Some absorbents are nanoporous polymers (large molecules) that work by temporarily binding other atoms to charged gold atoms (gold ions) and immobilizing the ions in a porous membrane. Other absorbents work by separating oxygen-containing functional groups from gold through a chemical process called reduction.

A prominent issue with gold extraction from e-waste is the lack of a technique that is capable of extracting trace amounts of the metal from e-waste with high precision. The aforementioned absorbents work efficiently when gold concentrations are between 500 ppm and 3,000 ppm. E-waste typically has a lower concentration of gold, indicating the need for more efficient extraction methods.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

A Brief History of Former British Colony Guyana

 A corporate executive based in South America, Barry Kevin O‘Rourke is the director of S.A.B. Mining, which exports diamonds and precious metals. Barry Kevin O‘Rourke’s center of operations is Guyana, a former British colony that is now an independent nation.

Guyana’s history extends back to the first millennium B.C. when it was settled by the Carib and Arawak peoples. Christopher Columbus encountered the country’s coast in 1498, although Europeans did not establish a foothold until the Dutch set up trading posts around 1580. They later imported African slaves to harvest sugarcane. Britain and France alternated control of the land during the French Revolution, with the former finally winning and naming the territory British Guiana.

Britain emancipated the African slaves in 1831. Involuntary labor persisted, however, with the use of indentured servants from India, who eventually could buy their freedom. The discovery of gold in 1879 boosted the economy.

A gradual shift to self-government began in 1891, although Britain still maintained overall control. A constitution providing for a legislature and ministerial bureaucracies was enacted in 1853, but when a communist-leaning indigenous party gained power, Britain suspended it. A system of proportional representation alleviated partisan strife, and the British granted independence in 1966 to the country now called Guyana.

Although the political scene has remained unsettled, Guyana has successfully transitioned from a socialist to a free market economy. The discovery of offshore oil in 2015 portends future prosperity.

Ocelot - An Adaptive Spotted Cat Species in Guyana

 Barry Kevin O'Rourke is a Guyana-based entrepreneur who directs S.A.B. Mining and manages diamond and precious metals exploration in la...